
What are Web 2.0 Sites? Know the List of Top 25 web 2.0 sites

10/22/2019 12:00 AM by Admin in Seo

Web 2.0 Sites Introduction

list of web 2.0 sites

The second generation of the World Wide Web, which is more popularly referred to as the web-two-point-o or web 2.0 is an important milestone in the evolution of the internet system. It is the Web 2.0 that changed the way users see the World Wide Web as the pages became much more dynamic and interactive as they got transferred from the static HTML layout.

Web 2.0 not only made a significant impact on the websites operating but also it changed the way people share information on different social media platform. The dynamic system introduced by Web 2.0 made a significant impact on the way people collaborate through different blogging platforms or web-based communities.

With Web 2.0, users can now finally bid adieu to the one-way communication model and pave the way for a much more interactive experience on the web. The best part is the second generation of web allowed every user to make their contributions irrespective of their technical skills.

Web 2.0 made the World Wide Web much more accessible and popular in the everyday life of the users.

What Are Web 2.0 Sites?

There is always a hype related to the Web 2.0 sites but actually, there is nothing extraordinary about these sites and follows the same process of interaction like any other website. The only difference that lies between Web 2.0 and other websites is the process of creation.

These websites are created on top-level, high authority free domains that allow the owner to create a completely new site on the TLD subdomain. Thus, site owners do not have to spend any money on creating their webpage.

It is the Web 2.0 that has made every common person a contributor on the web and government, mass media or any particular institution no longer holds the sole right for contributing on the web.

This new platform has helped in spreading the information much faster by tagging people, who are intended to receive the updates of the posts. Be it campaigning for a new product or spreading any update, the mass contribution has been found to play a significant role in these sites.

Web 2.0 sites mostly feature User Generated Content, which means, any user can generate, create or edit their own content that they want to be displayed on the page. Web 2.0 sites have become an instant hit among the individuals as well as startup businesses, which do not have enough funds for building a new website.

If you are also planning to launch a new blog site for expressing your views or for promoting your brand, you can certainly give Web 2.0 a try. It is not only useful for individual users but also it is immensely popular among the search engine marketers as well as optimizers, who work relentlessly to improve the SERP of any site.

Why Web 2.0 Sites Are Important?

Web 2.0 submissions and Web 2.0 sites have become a popular term in the field of search engine optimization. Nowadays, almost every search engine optimization company is looking for web 2.0 submission for increasing the ranking of pages.

Web 2.0 submissionsare not something quite tricky as it just needs users to create an informative piece for submitting in web 2.0 sites like WordPress, Blogger, Squidoo or LiveJournal. These sites play an important role in spreading appropriate information to the clients and also serve as a great source of backlinks for the websites.

The backlinks received from web 2.0 sites are completely organic and helps in boosting the ranking of any portal. Yet, the content that is submitted needs to be checked for authenticity as well as copyright, else it may make a negative impact on the SERP of the site.

The best part of web 2.0 sites is that they do not have any upper limits for submission nor they charge any penalty for less submission. Thus, anyone looking to boost the traffic of their portal can consider submitting in the Web 2.0 sites.

How Should I use web 2.0 sites?

There are several reasons that have made web 2.0 sites a popular choice among internet marketers as well as online users. However, not all know the tricks to reap the benefit of these sites. Anyone, who is interested to submit information in web 2.0 sites should at first make a list of the sites in which he is interested to make the submission.

Once the sites are selected, create an account and start with the submission of articles or informative pieces that users will find useful. Web 2.0 sites accept content on almost all topics under the sun yet plagiarism or wrong information is never tolerated. Submitting plagiarized content can lead to suspending the account. Therefore, working hard is the only way to succeed.

Benefits of Web 2.0 sites

Web 2.0 sites have received immense popularity among internet users and there is a constant rise in the number of players interested to contribute to these sites. It is not only the interactive feature that has led to the surge in the number of users. There are several other advantages as well. Some of the prime benefits of Web 2.0 sites are listed below:

Web 2.0 Sites Come For Free

Almost every website owner is aware of the fact that the Web 2.0 sites are sub-domains but still, they prefer to go for it and work hard to make their content worthy of the site. It is mostly because these sites come for free.

Compared to the paid sites, where you need to pay hundreds of dollars for launching and optimizing the page, Web 2.0 sites do not charge a single penny. You just need to make sure you are posting unique and informative content on the site to get it ranked by the search engine.

Once the page is ranked by the search engines, you can use the link for providing backlink at ease.

Gives Faster Authority

Every sub-domain launched on the Web 2.0 sites acquire rapid authority on the web and users need not have to give any extra effort for it. The faster authority of these sites helps users in getting their page on the top SERPs within a week, which is why it attracts a number of users. Yet, to reap the benefits of the faster authority, you need to follow the optimization strategies quite tactfully.

Unlimited Links

Many website owners are now considering submission to Web 2.0 sites a great way of increasing their page ranks. Unlike any other paid sites, these sites offer unlimited do-follow backlinks to your website and can help it get top rank within a short span of time. Also, you can use these sites for providing backlinks to multiple sites at the same time.

No Need To Worry About A Penalty

Though Web 2.0 sites are easy to use and offer a lot of advantages, some users hesitate in using these sites for penalty related issues. Well, Web 2.0 sites never have any penalty threats as of now.

In case, Google rolls out some new update and consider your links faulty, all you need is to delete the unnecessary links and create links according to the new updates. Once the links are deleted, you will neither be penalized nor will your page be blacklisted.

Free hand For Decision Making

When you are considering the benefits of Web 2.0 sites, you cannot conclude without stating the decision-making power provided by these sites. Whether it is the amount of content submission, type of content or the number of backlinks from the page, you can control everything as per your own choice. Add, edit or remove links as and when required to secure top position in the search engine results.

To enjoy the benefits of Web 2.0 sites, you need to understand the basic layout of these sites and follow the guidelines for submission carefully.

Is Web 2.0 Still Works In 2019? Does It Attract Manual Penalty?

World Wide Web is rightly said to be a dynamic platform where change is the only constant. Though Web 2.0 has introduced several innovative measures for easing the work of the web users, many new updates have rolled out in the recent past and there is nothing wrong with wondering about the relevance of this site in the second half of 2019.

Though semantic web has gained significant momentum in recent days, it has not undermined the importance of Web 2.0. It is still referred as the business revolution that has given a significant boost to the computer industry.

The introduction of Web 2.0 has allowed users to operate different software-applications directly through the browser. Even though several updates have been introduced after the introduction of web 2.0, it is still known for its dynamic and interactive features. 

Web 2.0 has relevance even in the year 2019 as internet users still prefer the networking features supported by this. A large number of individuals, as well as businesses, are hooked to the networking and friend list features of Web 2.0.

Also, owner’s control on website content offered by these sites is a major factor in retaining its popularity even in the latter half of 2019. It is the simplicity of these sites that have made it a popular choice among the leading designers as well as online businesses.

Google often rolls out new updates for making the web a better place. Though these updates are directed for easing the task of the SEO professionals or web designers, at times it creates hindrances too.

To avoid penalties of Google, website owners must always keep a track of the latest updates and upgrade their optimization as well as marketing skills according to the latest standards. The same rule is applicable to the Web 2.0 sites.

If you keep on modifying the site as per the latest norms of the search engine giant, you will never have to worry about manual penalty. You may also find it interesting to know that these sites never incur any penalty if kept updated from time to time.

Do Web 2.0 Sites Worth?

Web 2.0 sites are available for free. Yet, they need a significant amount of hard work for reaching to the top of the search engines. If you are considering whether the efforts are worth it or not, you may note that many successful websites are still using Web 2.0 and have not hinted about moving out from this platform.

To conclude, it will not be an exaggeration to say that contributing to Web 2.0 sites is one of the best ways of creating your online presence. Not only that but also website owners can use these sites to receive more backlinks for their site and boost their ranking in a short span of time.

List of Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites on the World

  1. https://wordpress.com
  2. http://blogsopt.com
  3. https://sites.google.com/
  4. https://write.as/
  5. https://telegra.ph/
  6. http://booklikes.com
  7. https://gonevis.com
  8. https://over-blog.com/
  9. https://bravesites.com
  10. http://publish.lycos.com/
  11. https://simplesite.com/
  12. https://webself.net/
  13. http://www.im-creator.com/
  14. https://webnode.com/
  15. https://site123.me/
  16. https://yolasite.com/
  17. https://penzu.com/
  18. https://sitey.me/
  19. http://pen.io/
  20. https://portfoliobox.net/
  21. https://www.mioola.com/
  22. http://brooklynne.net/
  23. http://thezenweb.com/
  24. http://jiliblog.com/
  25. http://blogminds.com/