
9 Ways to Find Long Tail Keywords - How to Use Them Properly?

04/26/2022 2:00 PM by Admin in Seo

How To Find Long Tail Keywords?

The long-tail keywords are phrases that are not searched for as often as the popular keywords. It refers to the specific, less popular search queries that make up the majority of all searches made on the internet.

It is important to note that while they may not be popular, these long-tail keywords are still relevant and can bring a lot of traffic to your website if you optimize your content around them. It has a lot of potential and well-understood niche topics are the right choice, where people are specifically looking for keywords and content, seed phrases, and research opportunities for long-tail keywords.

Not only the tools, Instead you can focus all your SEO energy on generic search terms, searching for long-tail keywords can help you create focused content that connects to your ideal audience. If you have a broad search term in mind, go further and find long-tail keywords related to this topic.

With Google Search and SEO tools you can take a look at your competitors and the specific long-tail keywords they use to create the first SERP for more general queries. Go to our SEO Keyword Tool and enter the URL of a competing website into the SERP to see which keywords apply. This will take you to a list of keywords that can rank pages by.

As you can see, the tool suggests related and specific keywords to use when searching for people. When you write a post or page that focuses on one of the keywords you are thinking about, click the Related Keyphrase button in your Focus Keyphrase field. The following example shows keywords for furniture and recycled materials.

Your initial terms should be the ones your target audience is looking for. For example, if you are looking for keywords for content marketing for businesses, use related keywords that refer to content for small businesses and explain how content marketing works.

Use the results to identify other search terms and long-tail keywords based on popular conversations on the subject. Enter a seeding keyword to search, and use the volume filter to find keywords whose search volume you consider low for your niche.

Use Google Suggestion

Use Google Suggestion

You can play around with autocomplete suggestions and press Enter to search for your keywords. Google also gives us some helpful long-tail keywords such as "Good Guard Dog" (a family of fantastic LSI synonyms) and the keywords "Protection" and "Guard" to help you with long-tail searches. Once you are on the search results page, you can search for other keyword suggestions. Scroll to the bottom of the page and search for a section called "More Results."

Use Google Related Search Terms

When people type in a keyword, they are often looking for related keywords. Google Related Search Terms is a feature that provides related search terms to the original keyword.

The Google Related Search Terms section of the SERP displays a list of keywords that are related to the search term that was typed in by the user. The list will be ordered based on relevance and will include up to 10 keywords. This tool can help you find other relevant keywords or phrases that you may not have thought about before, which could help you improve your SEO rankings for your website pages and increase your traffic from Google.

Use Google Related Search Terms

The more targeted your content is to what people are searching for, the higher your chances of getting a higher ranking on Google's SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Check your Analytics and Search Queries in the Console

Google Analytics is a free and powerful tool that allows you to track your website's performance, identify your target audience, and make informed decisions. it can help you find out how people are finding your website and understand your audience better, what they do when they get there, what they’re looking for and how they behave on your site.

The most important thing to remember is that Google Analytics is not just a website traffic tracking tool. It’s also a powerful marketing intelligence and business analytics platform that helps you understand your customers and improve their experience with your company.

Check your Analytics for long tail keywords

In order to find the best search terms of your keywords in Google Analytics, go to the left side sections of the tabs called Behavior->Site Search->Search Terms.

Your analyses will tell you many, if not all, of the keywords and phrases that get visitors to your site. You can achieve higher traffic rates. As you do this, you will discover more phrases to target, and these will help you build your reputation and improve your SEO page.

Google search console is a free, web-based service that provides online marketing and website tools for search businesses. It’s a great way to monitor how users are interacting with your website. This is especially required for webmasters or SEO Professionals to monitor the activity of their site.

use Search Queries in the Console

The search queries report in Google Search Console shows the number of searches for specific terms on your site, including the total number of searches, the number of impressions and click-through rates, and related search terms. It also gives you an idea of which pages are ranking higher than others in Google’s search results for those queries. which is a great way to focus your time and energy.

Search on Q&A Sites

Q&A sites are a great way to find long tail keywords. There are many people who ask questions on these sites, and this is why they are so popular. For your research, Q&A sites help you at starting point. You can then find keywords that have been asked about more than once, which will give you an idea of what people want to know.

search on Q & A sites for long tail keywords

In most cases, Q&A sites are a good source to identify long-tail keyword ideas, but you may consider other sources to find more interesting long tail keywords. For example, if you want the long tail keywords to be ranked on the website, you could try the Q&A sites combined with keyword tools to make things better.

For many businesses and individual sites, long term keywords to rank is the main priority. Because, the competition is less for such keywords and ranking them takes very less time in the search engines.

Search on Forums

Forums are a great way to find long tail keywords that are not popular in the search engines but have the potential to rank.

These forums provide a place for people to discuss topics and share their ideas. They also allow people to ask questions about different topics and get answers from experts in those fields. Because, it is more specific to the niche that they are used to target a smaller audience, but the potential for conversion is higher.

search on forums for long tail keywords

For example, if you're selling a product for curly hair, your long tail keyword would be "curly hair products."

This can be done by searching for popular threads on the forum or by looking at what people are asking in the forums. You can also use Google's Keyword Tool and search for "forums" or "discussion boards."

Research Competitors for Long Tail Keywords

For Articles to rank, Individuals, webmasters, or SEO professionals search on competitor sites to find all possibilities of long tail keywords and how they have been used for?. Many of us know that Long tail keywords are a type of search term that has three or more words. They have a lower search volume than head keywords but they have a higher conversion rate. Just monitor the competitor sites to identify the best long tail keywords.

ubersuggest to find long tail keywords

The SERP analysis provides an overview of the top 100 websites for the highest-ranked terms and keywords, and the overview also displays the search volume data of the last 12 months. By inserting keywords into Keyword Explorer, you can get information about the monthly search volume from the SERP function, including featured snippets for the best-placed search terms.

The section explores the type of research that should be carried out to find the best long-tail keywords that are a good fit for a business.

There are several techniques you can use to research long-tail keywords for your business. The most basic is using Google Autosuggest. Type in the part of speech or word you want to find and it will suggest what comes before and after it.

Use tools like Ahref’s, SEMRush, and UberSuggest, to find all low competition, a good search volume of long tail keywords within just a few clicks.

Use the Keyword Planner tool

The best way to find out who your competitors are for long-tail keywords is by using the Google Adwords Tool. The below tools provide an overview of the competitors for all types of keywords and how much they spend on ads per month.

Keyword planning tools are great for creating lists of commercial terms, but they avoid long-tail terms with a low search volume, ignoring them becomes useless for any purposes. Use them instead to generate a list of keywords to try to stand up to Google AdWords keyword tool..

Enter your search term and find dozens of question variants, including more comprehensive keywords. Adding additional words to your search terms generates more long-term possibilities by adding additional letters to the search term to see different autocomplete keywords.

Remember that the main reason for keyword research is not to manipulate how search engines classify your websites. It's not realistic (or SEO healthy) to optimize your site for the same keywords on each page, so you need a running list of great keywords. When you use your keywords on your website, make sure that your content delivers the information that searchers are looking for.

Keep in mind that the disadvantage of concentrating too much on the long tail is that you will not get enough traffic to sustain your business if you use too specific formulations. If you do keyword searches and analyze the search volume for different keyword lengths, there is a chance that short-tail keywords have a higher number of monthly searches than long-tail keywords. Long-tailed keywords have a lower search volume than broader keywords, but they are also more competitive, facilitating their ranking.

Answer the Public Keyword Tool

Answer the Public is a tool that can be used to find out what people think about a given topic. It is a great way to get feedback and generate content ideas.

use answer the public tool to find Long keywords

Answer the Public is an online tool that can be used to find out what people think about a given topic. It is a great way to get feedback and generate content ideas. Users are able to enter in keywords, phrases, or topics that they would like to know more about, then Answer the Public will provide them with information on how popular these topics are on social media platforms/Google Search/ youtube and other digital media platforms. This can help content writers generate new and innovative ideas for their work.

Related keywords can inspire new topics and cluster in different directions for your blog strategy. The easiest way to do this is to find out what people are looking for on a particular issue. 

YouTube's Autocomplete tool is a bonanza of themed ideas for what people are looking for.

Where to Use and Optimize Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are those that have many variations. Optimizing long tail keywords can be a daunting task for any content writer, but it is not impossible.

The first step is to identify the long tail keyword phrases that are relevant to the topic of your content. One way to do this is by using Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Google Suggestions or third-party tools by entering your main keyword phrase in the search box. The tool will provide you with related keywords and phrases.

The second step is to create a list of all the possible long tail keywords that are relevant to your topic, and then prioritize them based on their relevance and search volume. 

The third step is to optimize each of these long tail keywords with different variations, such as synonyms, grammatical structures, sentence structure, etc., Use them in header tags and in content to optimize for google search engine ranking results, so that they rank


The term long tail keywords is used by marketers to refer to the less common, specific, or outlier words or phrases that are searched for on search engines. It is also a good idea for marketers to research and use long tail keywords in their marketing campaigns.

But using specialized keyword research tools can end up with tens of thousands of keyword suggestions for your entire website. You will have a complete list of long tail keyword ideas that you can use to address specific search intentions instead of your more general primary keywords.

The conclusion of long tail keywords is that they are a great way to reach out to a larger and targeted audience.