
Reddit Marketing Beginners Guide: How to Reach Right Audience?

11/29/2019 2:00 PM by Admin in Seo

Reddit Marketing Beginners Guide

reddit beginners guide

The social media is the happening place for those that want to get information faster under a single platform. Distance is no longer a barrier because of the internet, you can access information on any topic using the platform. The quality of the information that you are going to be fed will be determined by the quality of the online channel. There are several such channels online, and the fact remains that there are popular sites online as well.

So what channel can you trust amongst the available options online for best info and genuine? This is welcoming you to the world of Reddit.

What is Reddit?

Whatever you have, there is no harm in flaunting it. Reddit prides itself as: “The front page of the internet.” It was stated in the opening lines that there are several options online when it comes to the internet of things; you have to help the community and share the right information which is necessary. The tag for the best amongst the online is Reddit because of the quality in their delivery which they are proud to flaunt.

Going by their practical part, one can easily agree with the claim that they are the homepage of the internet of things when it comes to issues on the World Wide Web (WWW). The records speak for themselves; it goes beyond all reasonable doubts to make it clear that Reddit is indeed ubiquitous in the market.

Take a look at the stats; talking about the performance in the US; the number of subreddits was about 11,000 in 2008; a decade after that figure; the number of subreddits now stands at 1.64 million as of September 2019. This is a great leap all within the space of just 10 years, a decade. The social news gathered by Reddit in a great number of subreddits founded by members and which are rich in their content. This website can be likened to other social media accounts to share the information automatically.

The users on the platform can use subreddits to create new posts on a topic. The atmosphere on the website is total; the deliveries of excellent news articles, images, and videos, questions, creative contributions, as well as controversial discussion topics are common on the website.

Joining the Reddit


If you are interested in joining Reddit, the following steps that you will need are to get yourself fully started and integrated into the platform. To begin with, it should be noted that Reddit users place a great priority on their privacy. You will get to listen to discussions that are related to maintaining privacy when you get on board the website. In an interview in 2014; the head of communication at Reddit; Victoria Taylor informed the listening audience on the efforts of the website to adequately inform their members about geotargeting in banner advertising. The core values on the platform are privacy and freedom of expression. Those that contravene the core values will be banished from the site.

Now, let us go to the details involved in the registration which can be completed within seconds.

It is very simple; the steps involved are:

  1. On your preferred browser; input this word You will be taken to the homepage of the site.
  2. Take a look at the top right and you will see the word: “Register”. Simply click on to continue the process of becoming a member on the site.
  3. Your Password will be required at the point of time to log-in. For already registered members that have forgotten their password; then their Email address will be required. When you are through with this process, you can now continue with the next line of action.
  4. Click on next and a new page will pop open before you. There is a column for “Username” and you will have to give a user name that you are going to be known as on the website. Reddit will offer suggestions on how best to go about it. Next; you will be required to enter a password that is very secure.
  5. Having gone this far, the website will want to confirm that you are not a robot. You have to click on the captcha and upon answering the simple questions that you are going to be asked, you can proceed with the process of the registration.

At this point, a confirmation Email will be sent to you to confirm the obvious fact that it is you that they are dealing with. When you have verified that through the link, you can now be welcomed fully onboard the platform as a registered member on the platform.

The First Step towards Full Integration

You will now be taken to the Reddit main page where you are going to see the top posts on the platform.

With the new designs that are on offer you can choose between any of the following:

  • Tile view
  • The classic forum view
  • Compact version

You can filter the feed through the several options that are available on the platform. You can locate interesting subreddits when you browse through visible posts. Alternatively, you can enter a term in the search bar and options will be made available to you.

You can go to the profile settings and make use of the old Reddit design which is still very popular today.

Learn how to create Subreddit

There are four basic steps that you need to take before you will be able to successfully create your own Subreddit.

1) There are conditions that should be fulfilled before you will be allowed to create your own subreddit. Your account should have been opened at least 30 days ago and you are also expected to have some positive karma which will be private to the individual account holders. If you have fulfilled the two conditions, then you are good to go into the process of creating your own subreddit.

2) At the top of the rightmost column of your Reddit home page is the icon: “CREATE COMMUNITY”. If you are using the older version of Reddit; then, you can click on: Create Your Own Subreddit. 

3) You will be taken to a page where you are going to enter the details of your subreddit. The following details will be required:

Name - This is your identity with which you are going to be known. It should not be separated by commas and should not contain spaces. It should not be the name of any registered trademark. If the name you put in is Olaniyi for instance; your account will read

Title - It will be appearing at the top of your subreddit.

Description - Here, you are expected to enter your subreddit’s purpose.

Sidebar - You are going to enter the texts and links that you wanted to appear on your subreddit.

Submission text - You will enter the submission text that you want the Redditors for viewing when they click on your subreddit.

Other Preferences - There are several other options that are available which you must exploit to get the desired result that calls for cheer. Take a look at all the options and choose from amongst the lot the ones that you feel will serve your useful purpose.

4) Finally, you have put in place all that is required to get the best results on offer. You can now click on CREATE at the bottom of the form. Your subreddit account is now ready for use.

How does Reddit works?

Reddit is a huge site that is sub-divided into smaller communities for the sake of effectiveness. These smaller communities are called subreddit which have their own themes, expectations, and rules. If you visit Reedit’s home page without signing in, you will get to see several feeds of trending posts gotten from various subreddits. When you click on the title of a post, you will have access to the comments; a view of the full-sized image as well as the link to the post.

Another thing that you will see is the number that represents the score of the post represented by two arrows; one downward arrow and another upward arrow. You can use the arrows to upvote or down vote; there are no agree or disagree buttons here.

When you click the up-vote button, it means you agree in theory with the post and you wanted other people to see the vote. When you click the downvote button, it shows that you do not agree with the post and do not deem it necessary for others to see.

Therefore, when a subreddit gets upvoted, it will receive karma and this will lead to an increase in popularity and might find its way to the headlines of Reddit. The score of Karma is a numerical score that will appear on the profile of the account holder and it gives an idea of how much the person has contributed to Reddit.

How to comment on Reddit?

Commenting on a post on Reddit will not take more than six simple steps.

1. Open The Reddit App - If you do not have the app, then you can download it from the App Store and then sign in with your username and password.

2. Go to the comment that you want to comment on - You can get one from your main Reddit feed or you or you can search for one alternatively.

3. Tap on the Speech Bubble Icon below a Post - The comment icon resembles a speech bubble icon and when you click on it; it will display the number of comments that already existed; if there are none; it will simply ask you to comment.

4. Tap Add Comment - Next you may want to comment on an existing comment. There will be a microphone next to the user name of those that have commented on the subreddit.

5. Type Your Comment - You will see the icon that says type your comment; you can now input your comment

6. Click on the Send button to see the subreddit post.

Voting and Downvoting on Reddit

When it comes to voting on Reddit, there are two options that are available. It is either you upvote or you downvote. The up-vote button has an arrow that points upwards. The downvote button has its arrow pointing downwards.

reddit upvote

If You Agree with the Comment

In the event that you are satisfied with the comment and you want others to see the comment because of the quality in it, this is your seal of approval on the comment.

Where You Disagree With the Comment

In the event that you are not in support of the comment, you are expected to click on the downvote button. The implication of this is that you do not want anyone to see the comment.

Posting on Reddit

If you want to post on Reddit; the following steps are the necessary ones to be taken which will enable you to have access to make your opinion and views that you believed in to be known to the world.

1. Open to on your desired browser and it will take you to Reddit hot page in as much as you are already logged onto Reddit.

2. You can now click on the HOME tab which you are going to see at the upper left corner of the home page.

3. Selecting a post type is the next thing to be done and you are going to find options in this regard.

Submit New Link- This will allow you to post a photo, a video or a link.

Submit New Text Quote - This allows you to develop a text post.

When you get to some subreddits, they have only one option; however, others have numerous options to play around with.

4. Enter A Title - You will see the title text box; what you are expected to do is to type your post’s title into the text box.

5. Select the place You Want to Post - Here there are two options; you either check the "Your profile" box or you check the "A subreddit" box. Everything must be done in an orderly manner; if you are choosing the subreddit box; then it should go with your subreddit name. If your choice is the profile name; you are expected to click on the name on your profile.

Subscribe and unsubscribe from Subreddits

We have settled the issue about subscribing to Reddit in the opening part of this article. Now, we want to concentrate on what to do if you want to deactivate your account. Here are the simple steps involved:

1. First, go to If you are not logged in you can now enter the username and the password that is related to the Reddit account and then click on sign in.

It is instructive to let you know that deleting your account on Reddit will not delete your comments. So if you do not want your comments to be viewed after you have left; then delete the comments you do not want people to see on the portal.

2. The portal is now open before you; click on your username.

3. Next, go to user settings and click on it.

4. You are now ready to deactivate your account; go down to Deactivate Account and click on it

5. Now, you are required to enter your username and password into the account that you want to deactivate. It goes to show that you are the original owner of the account.

6. You are going to be taken to the checkbox at the bottom which you are to click on. If you have done this, it seals the process of deleting the account. It goes to show that you understood the implication of deactivating your account. It shall be permanent and irreversible.


When we have the groupings of subreddits that are grouped together; it forms what is referred to as Multireddits. These grouping of subreddits have brought in some form of creativity to users; they can easily bypass the ritual of going through the front page in their bid to access Reddit. It gives a better user experience to the people.

Multireddits appear on an expandable sidebar and can be easily created by clicking the icon: “Create”. You can now enter the subreddits of your choice.

Improve Reddit karma

When you are able to improve on your karma on Reddit, you are going all the way to do your account’s real favor. The following are some of the steps that people can take to improve on their Karma:

1. If there is any breaking news; be the first to publish that ahead of the rest of the subreddits that are on the website. This is a perfect way to position yourself for the all-important karma.

2. When it comes to the issue of participating in subreddit; make sure that your presence is felt through a large number of them.

3. If it comes to the area of comments, make sure you are not left behind. When you comment on recent posts, you are going to reap from that through improved karma.

4. When it comes to posts; you have to be careful that what you are saying comes with the desired qualities that mattered. If you must comment, then your post should rate as one of the A posts; anything less will bring down your reputation. Do not join the groups that make negative comments on issues; it is against the policy of respect and confidentiality that come with Reddit.

5. If you are to reply to threads, then that should be on the hot tab.

6. Finally and very important, if you want to earn more; then you have to create a unique identity of your own. When you create your own original subreddit; you are going to increase the chances of getting an increase in subreddit karma.

Reddit Gold

How Reddit can be used by Marketers?

  • Using GIFs and Images
  • Upload Related Videos in the subreddit Community
  • Blog Post
  • Share News
  • Promote Reddit Campaigns


This represents all that you need to know about Reddit. This website has proven to be a solid rock that can be relied on-going by the index of its growth; from last decade to the present time according to stats that dates back to last September. There is a high level of discipline and order on the platform. When the privacy of the registered members is guaranteed in times, where anything goes on the web pages; credit should be given to this site for bringing out a template that calls for cheer.

Security on this platform is another factor that is going on well for Reddit. This is a forum whereby everyone can contribute to issues in an environment that boasts the level playing ground. Discipline on the platform is something that one can be proud of. Any erring member risks being sanctioned through the regulations that have been clearly stated from the word getting the best is pretty easy on this social platform.