There are many commenting scripts (like Disqus, LiveFyre, and many others) present in online today which can be installed on your website in an easy way. Disqus is amazing commenting technologies which are used on various platforms like Wordpress, Drupal, Blogger and other developer application.
Disqus is integrated virtually on any type of website platform with a universal embedded JavaScript code. To engage with your audience and increase the user experience the Disqus is the ultimate solution for understanding your audience, monitoring user activity, and building content marketing strategy effectively.
It is very easy to install Disqus on one of the most content marketing system called Wordpress. We already know that Wordpress is the biggest CMS website used in the world which is completely free to use. All the themes and plug-ins are developed by global, corporation, individuals and community developers to make easy for the people to run a business online.
Disqus is one of the greatest universal commenting systems to engage with people, get suggestions, and improve online audience with a better understanding of the Content of the clear topic.
Step 1: First go to Disqus portal website and click the “Get Started” button. There you can register using social media authorization process which includes facebook, twitter, and Google. Otherwise, you can simply use your email, name, and password required to fill.
Step 2: You will get a confirmation mail from Disqus to verify the account. Just click and verify the link.
Step 3: After verifying the account, then click on the right side above and click on add Disqus to site. Fill the website name and select the category related to your industry then click create site.
After selecting add to Disqus link on the top right side and setting up the site, it will redirect to packages or prices shown by the company. So in this select only basic packages.
Step 4: After selecting the basic plan in the previous step, it will ask the platform you want to install Disqus comment script. Select the following platform and follow the details or you can install manually at below of the page.
Select the platform you want to add to your website, it may WordPress, blogger, Joomla, Squarespace, Drupal, Weebly, Wix or by manually etc.
After selection of the platform that you want to add to your website, now it time to configure the disqus and verify the domain.
Step 5: Add a Universal JavaScript code on your site or connect with the Wordpress plugin by pasting the code in the textbox.
Text Version shown below
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
var disqus_config = function () { = PAGE_URL; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable = PAGE_IDENTIFIER; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable
var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
s.src = ''; // IMPORTANT: Replace EXAMPLE with your forum shortname!
s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
A profile is the key area of business information, never leave the profile section. Just fill all the details and save.
To develop any website, JavaScript plays a key role in performing operations and developing the application. If you developed a website using HTML / Bootstrap / PHP /.Net or any other programming language, JavaScript plays a major role in performing most of the operations at the backend. Just paste the code in the respective page of the site and see the Disqus comment is running or not.
Disqus is a network commenting system and developed a unique platform to support all type website application platforms. Just copy and paste the universal JavaScript code on your website.
Most of the online commenting system asks your details like name, email, and descriptive message to comment on site to engage the audience by collecting your details and use for marketing purposes. Since Disqus is a unique commenting platform, just you need to into your account once and comment on any website without filling the details again.
How to approve, disapprove, spam and delete the Disqus comment script?
When you installed Disqus comment script on your website, you can approve and spam the comment. Just visit the URL and check your comments are valid or spam. If the comments are valid you can approve it or spam it or delete the comment without any reason.
Millions of users are using the Disqus comment for effectively managing the community discussions. Since Disqus is completely free (basic plan) and easy to install on site and provides moderation filtering, integration social platforms. If you are looking for commenting plugin, try Disqus commenting platform which is safe and secure.