Technology is something that keeps on evolving daily and thus, one must keep up with it to stay in business. Google is one such company that keeps evolving and making changes so that it can better itself with time. Thus, Google keeps making changes in its algorithm so that its search results are much more relevant. Thus, it introduced one such update called Fred. Ever since this update was announced, there has been an uproar among SEO professionals and marketers because of the effect it may have on their...
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Google Chrome is one of the most widely used browsers in today’s times and rightly so. Apart from its interface and design, one of the most important factors that contribute to Chrome becoming a favorite of people is how easily the browser can be customized. Any person can customize his or her browser depending on the tools and functions he or she requires on a day-to-day basis. Thousands of extensions are available in the Chrome store and it can be quite a daunting task to figure out which is...
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How to Use Google Advance Search Terms? There are thousands of SEO tools available in the market that help you do extensive research but nothing comes close to Google Advance Search Terms. Google Advance Search Terms allows delving deep into google’s search results. These search terms allow you to identify issues that might get missed by advanced SEO tools. Moreover, Google Advance Search Terms give you more control. Each day new tools, advanced search engines, and capabilities like SEO audits are enriching the field. So, if you are planning...
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The fact that Google is the most widely used search engine needs no elaboration. Along with Google search, millions of web users depend on the Google web ecosystem to get plenty of work accomplished everyday worldwide. Apart from billions of people, thousands of businesses also rely on Google’s search results for their work. So, it is imperative to ensure the search system returns consistently reliable and accurate results. It was in 2010 that both business and regular web users started complaining about the low quality of the company’s search...
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What Are Schemas? The concept of Schema came into being when four search behemoths - Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex decided to join hands together to create Schema.org. The purpose of this was to present information in a visually interesting and tangible way that should be useful for both the users and the search engine. Without Schema, it would be really hard for search engines to understand and represent specific search queries in rich snippet format. Schema made it possible for search engines to understand whether a given web page contains...
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Launched a new portal and want to get it on the top rankings of the search engines! Well, then you need to know your site in detail and plan the optimization services accordingly. You need to know the usage of every tool available on the web and website traffic estimator is one of the most important of them all. Website traffic plays a great role in determining the success of any website. Therefore, if you want to become successful in the online world, you need to earn more traffic to...
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Top 28 Social Bookmarking Sites in 2020 Do you resort to Google or Bing quite often! In a technology-dominated world, it is quite natural for you to rely on the search engines for solving the minutest queries. While the availability of innumerable websites helps in gathering information, it often becomes difficult to refer to the exact site when needed later. To help you with the referencing task, you can now avail online social bookmarking service. What Is Social Bookmarking? Social bookmarking is the term given to an online service that...
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Top 21 Microblogging Sites on the Internet Social media have now become a popular platform to share news or express opinions. Almost everyone has an account in some or the other social media platforms. Yet, very few are aware of the fact that they are microbloggers, who keep adding a substantial amount of content to the World Wide Web. Microblogging is becoming a popular phrase these days and is used by many commercial as well as non-profit organizations to stay ahead of their competitors in the digital platform. What Are...
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